What is UOZ Ranking and Information Management System?
Ranking and Information Management System is a local system which is designed with the aim of collecting up-to-date information on the university. The system consists of several parts, the first one is to collect the ranking information which is needed for the National University Ranking (NUR) system provided by the Ministry of Higher Education of Kurdistan Region Government (MHE-KRG). The ranking part will also be used to assess and rank the departments and faculties/colleges within the university. The other parts of the system will be used mainly for statistics at the university such as up-to-date information on postgraduate students, fresh data about academic staff and their academic titles which is needed for the university Website, up-to-date information about all employees at the university and much m.
Why to use it?
The system will be used as a base data for the university, so all the information and statistics can be provided easily wherever is needed to be provided. And, more importantly, the data is requested from departments and units only once!
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